HIMSS - Rosters Overview

HIMSS - Rosters Overview

If your program offers services for groups of students or adults at one time, the HIMSS Rosters feature may be helpful. Common uses of Rosters are to record the names of those attending a professional development activity for district staff or a parent information meeting. Likewise, if students experiencing homelessness ever participate in activities together, using Rosters may be helpful.

Rosters are simply lists of participants. They can be paper attendance sheets or a list of people on a screen. They are very useful for recording participation in offered services to multiple participants on a specific date. 

Rosters can be either Session Rosters or Group Rosters
  1. Session Rosters are associated with specific sessions being offered at a school site. They list the names of those people that are expected to attend a particular Session of an Activity. It can eliminate the need for a sign-in sheet as names of those that do attend can simply be checked off on the printed roster or on a tablet screen.
  2. Group Rosters can be used to create a list of participants with common attributes. Examples include groups for grade levels, teachers at a certain school, residents of a certain shelter, etc. 
Note: participation tracking for an individual person never requires a roster; that attendance can be recorded in the Program Attendance tab of the individual’s registration record (see Program Attendance).

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