HIMSS - Program Attendance

HIMSS - Program Attendance

Track the services an individual participant receives by recording attendance on the Program Attendance tab.
There are several ways to record the provision of services in HIMSS.
1.       To track each date an individual participant receives a service, use this Program Attendance tab
2.       To track each date more than one participant receives a service, use the Main Menu Attendance section
3.       To track that a participant received a service when the service date or time or how many times they received the service is not important, use the ‘Services Provided’ checkboxes in the Homeless Student Data tab
The Program Attendance tab screen below shows a listing of all services received by an individual. The list can be sorted and printed. Individual attendance records can also be edited which will enable seeing any notes that were recorded for the date of service.

Track a Date-Specific Service to an Individual

  1. Click the blue ‘Program Attendance’ tab in a person’s Registration record
  2. Click ‘Add Attendance’ – the screen at right will appear.
  3. Enter the date the service was provided
  4. Select the appropriate Activity and Session
  5. Select a program staff member (optional)
  6. Enter any notes about the service on this date
  7. Click ‘Save and Close’

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