HIMSS - Manage Partners

HIMSS - Manage Partners

A partner is an outside organization that actively contributes to efforts to support youth experiencing homelessness. While the list of partners is created at the district level, actual contributions for those partners are recorded at the school site level.


Manage Partners

  1. In your left-hand navigation menu, click Settings > Program Settings
  2. Locate the Partners card
  3. Click Manage Partners

Add Partners

  1. Click + Add New at the top of the screen
  2. Enter the Partner’s information.
  3. Click Save And Close


  1. School sites will record an actual contribution (amount, purpose, etc.). For partners making contributions to the program as a whole and not for only an individual school site, those contributions should be recorded in the Administration site.
  2. Try to avoid creating duplicate entries. This can lead to confusion if different sites begin to enter multiple partners when, in fact, there should only be one.

Review Pending Partner Requests

If a site requests a new partner, an alert message will show on the Partners card to notify you that there are pending requests.
  1. In your left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Settings’ > ‘Program Settings’
  2. Locate the ‘Partners’ card
  3. Click ‘Manage Partners’

Approve Pending Partners

  1. Click the ‘Pending’ link to the left of the pending partner
  2. Set the drop-down to ‘Approved’ if the Partner is new and unique to the program – be careful not to create duplicate records.
  3. Click ‘Save and Close'

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