HIMSS - Manage Households

HIMSS - Manage Households

Use this section to group students and parent/guardians into Households.

A few benefits of using households are:
  1. If services are tracked in the HIMSS attendance section, the Family Participation Report can be generated. This report shows how many hours of service individuals in the household have received as well has how many the family as a total have received.
  2. If there is a change to one member’s address or contact information, all members’ info can be changed instantly
  3. Data about adults and students being served and their outcomes may be useful to program evaluators to improve program quality and effectiveness

To manage Households, click the green Manage Households button in the Households Card.

Follow these steps to create or edit a household

  1. Search for participants by name or ID; note typing “a” will show all persons with a first or last name starting with “a”
  2. Review the Search Results and click Select for the participant whose information you wish to view
  3. View Household Details at the right and either create a household (if there is no HouseholdID listed for that person) or edit an existing household

There are various sections of each Household record.

The above screen shows the current Members of the Household. Use the eye icon to view a summary of the person. Use the pencil icon to edit household information for that person and use the red X to remove the person from the Household.

Use the Add New link to add a new member to the Household. 

To find and put adults (remember, adults are only registered in the Administration site) or students from other school sites into this household, be sure to check the “Show Participants from all Sites” box. 

Locate the person by searching by name or HouseholdID to add to the Household and click Add


If trying to add an adult member and the adult is not found, use the Change Credentials feature to switch to the Administration site and add the adult to HIMSS in the registration area. You may then add the students to the Household from the Administration site where the adult record is saved, or you can change credentials and return to the school site where the student record is located.

After clicking Add, a summary screen will appear. Click the green Add Member button and be sure to click the green Save button at the bottom of the screen to complete the process.

Notice the Notes/Goals and Messages/Contacts tabs in the red box in the image at the top of this page. While there are Notes, Goals, Messages/Contacts for individuals in the Registration section, these Note/Goals and Messages/Contacts are for the household. Be sure to always click the green Save button at the bottom of the screen after making any changes to data on these tabs.

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