HIMSS - View and Edit Participant Info

HIMSS - View and Edit Participant Info

To manage the people in the HIMSS system, click Manage Participants in the Registration List card.

Participant Records

  1. To locate a participant, use the search bar or click ‘Search’ with no value in the search bar to see all participants.
  2. To edit a record, click the blue pencil icon in the Actions column to the left of their name.
  3. To delete a person, click the red trash can icon. Note that a person cannot be deleted if they have any records associated with them.

  4. The first tab that will open is the Homeless Student Data tab. This is where services can be initiated for a student in need. It is also where staff can update the services provided to this student.
  5. Participant demographics are found on the Participant Info tab. Most of these demographics are imported from your school district’s SIS system. Be careful changing them as they may be overwritten the next time data is imported which is typically nightly.
  6. Additional data can be located on the other blue tabs within the Registration record.
  7. After making any edits on any tab, be sure to click ‘Save’

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