HIMSS - Manage Sessions

HIMSS - Manage Sessions

Adding a Session

  1. Under the Actions button for the desired Activity, click
    ‘+ Add Session’

  2. The Add Session screen (at right) will appear.
  3. Name the Session. The Session name will default to ‘New Session.’ Be sure to rename it with a useful name to avoid confusion later.
  4. Complete all required fields including at least one date when this service may be offered by clicking on the calendar. If unsure of the date, select any date in the future. There may be other required fields – a prompt will appear when saving if they are not completed.
  5. Click ‘Save and Close’

Adding Additional Sessions

  1. More than one Session can be added to an Activity.
  2. From the Activities screen, find the Activity to which you need to add a session
  3. Click the ‘Actions’ button next to the Activity name
  4. Click ‘Add Session’
  5. Complete all fields
  6. Click ‘Save and Close’


  1. Be sure to select the appropriate funding source and partner for each session. 
  2. If you would like to track the exact amount of time a participant received this service, choose ‘Yes’ for the Time-based field on the Session edit screen.
  3. If you do not want HIMSS users at other sites (should the student be transferred) to see which participants have received this service, select ‘No’ for the Shareable field.
  4. If multiple similar sessions are being offered for an Activity, it may be easier to Copy the Session and edit the copy rather than creating a whole new Session from scratch. Select ‘Copy Session’ under the Actions button to the left of the Session name.
  5. A Session cannot be deleted if any attendance has been recorded for it.

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