HIMSS - Send Mass Notifications

HIMSS - Send Mass Notifications

You can send mass notifications to student contacts to students' contacts using the Search function. 

Find Records

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Search

  2. Click ‘Edit Search Criteria’ and the window below will appear

  3. Use the criteria tabs to locate specific fields and enter values for the participants you want to find
  4. Click ‘Find Records.’ The search results will be displayed in gray as shown below

Append Records

If desired, to add names to the current search results with a different search, first click ‘Edit Search Criteria’ again. Clear the previously entered search criteria in each various tab and enter new criteria. Then click the green ‘Append Records’ button and the new search results will be added to the previous results as show to the right with an “OR” function. 

  1. Once search results have been returned, click ‘Send Mass Notifications.’ A screen like the one to the right will appear opening a step-by-step process to generate communications with those persons found in the search.

  1. Email is the default Delivery Method. SMS text is available for a fee – contact your Account Manager for more details.

  1. Click Next> to move to Email Settings (at right)
  2. Enter the email address that emails sent from HIMSS will come FROM. Then click the blue ‘Verify Email Address’ button. A message will appear saying a verification email was sent to that address. You must click the verification link in the email sent to the inputted email address to continue. A green “Verified” will appear when this is complete.


  1. Click Next> to move to the  Compose Message section
  2. Enter a subject for the email and the message. Note the Placeholder drop down will allow you to interest values from the search results. In the example screen to the right, first name was inserted. Each email will then be a bit more personalized for the recipient.
  3. Complete the composing of the email and click ‘Next >’
  4. The last section is to pick which of the search results people you would like to send the message.
  5. There are three options to filter the list with: Participants, Parents/Guardians of Participants and All Contacts. One or more options can be selected. Changing the sections will instantly change the list of people showing in the list.
  6. After filtering the Participants, Parents/Guardians of Participants and All Contacts options, you can further select by checking the box in the ‘Send To’ column. Note in the example below, the student Rhodes, Geoffrey doesn’t have an email address in HIMSS; thus, it is not possible to select his record to send an email. 

When your selections are complete, click the green ‘Send Notifications’ button to send the email.

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