HIMSS - Configure Required Registration Fields

HIMSS - Configure Required Registration Fields

Use this feature to set the data entry requirements for new Registration records. A user who fails to enter data in all required fields will be unable to save the record; a prompt will appear notifying them which fields still require an entry. 
Note: Student will rarely, if ever, be entered manually. Thus, this feature mostly applies to adding adult records as parents/guardians or staff.

Configure Required Fields

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Settings’ > ‘Registration Settings’
  2. Locate the ‘Required Fields’ Card
  3. Click ‘Configure Required Fields’
  4. A list of all the fields that are in Registration will show, along with the types of participants (youth and adults)
  5. Check the boxes under a participant type to mark a fields as required .
  6. Click ‘Save’

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