HIMSS - Record Services Using Basic Attendance

HIMSS - Record Services Using Basic Attendance

You can enter services for more than one student at a time. The most common way is to record basic attendance.

Enter Attendance

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Attendance’
  2. Locate the ‘Enter Classic Attendance’ Card 

  3. Click ‘Enter Attendance’ and the screen below will appear.

  4. Select the date the group participation took place
  5. Select the Activity and Session you are recording participation for 
  6. If a roster was previously created for this session, click the blue ‘Fill Attendance List from Roster’ button for faster attendance taking.  If not, names will be typed into the Step 3: box.

If you type in the person's name

  1. Type in part of the participant’s last name and hit Enter or Tab on the keyboard. All matching records will show below in gray. If there is only one match, the name will move into the attendance list at right in bright green.
  2. If there are multiple matches, click the correct participant’s gray name (example in the image above) to add to the green attendance list at the right.
  3. When the names of all participants are in the attendance list, click the green ‘Save Attendance’ button. The names will turn gray. To correct mistake, click the saved gray name and it will turn red. Click the green ‘Save Attendance’ button again to delete any names in red.


  1. Use the blue ‘Select Previous Attendance button’ to find and review/edit previously recorded attendance.
  2. If participants received more than one service, attendance can easily be copied from one session/date to another using the blue ‘Copy to Other Sessions’ button.

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