HIMSS - Homeless Student Data

HIMSS - Homeless Student Data

Data related to a student who is experiencing homelessness is collected here.

When a student experiencing homelessness is identified by a person in the District, their student record in the district SIS is flagged. All students with such flags have their name and other information imported nightly into HIMSS.
It is then essential to approve a student’s record in HIMSS. The student’s homeless status is not being approved, the HIMSS record is. This is essential to take advantage of the HIMSS communication system and gather data for reporting.
Here are the reasons why saving and approving a student record is vital to a student’s success: 
  1. A social worker will be assigned to the student and be sent an email indicating they have a new student to work with.
  2. Those in the district that can provide services (namely school nutrition and transportation) can be notified of the newly identified student’s needs 
  3. Data can be recorded about a student that can be used for reporting and program improvement including:
    1. Primary Nighttime Residence
    2. Reason for Homelessness
    3. Barriers to receiving the services they need
    4. Source of information (how the student was identified initially)
    5. Documents on file

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