HIMSS - Manage Activities

HIMSS - Manage Activities

Add an Activity

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, click Activities.
  2. Click ‘+Add Activity’


  3. If you have offered Activities at this site in a prior term, a list of those Activities will appear. If you want to record participation this term in the EXACT SAME Activity as offered in the past, click on that Activity to add the Activity to the current term activity list OR  if you are offering an Activity that HAS NOT been offered at this site in the past, click ‘Add New’ at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Enter any required information.
  5. Click ‘Continue’ to save the Activity - the Add Session screen will then appear


  1. An activity cannot be deleted if there are any Sessions associated with it. Delete all Sessions and the Activity will also be deleted.
  2. If you have multiple sites that provide the same Activity, you can save time by using the Copy an Activity to Other Site(s) functionality (see Copy an Activity section below)

Copy an Activity

Use this time-saving functionality to copy an activity to one or more school sites

To copy an activity to other school sites
  1. In your left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Activities’
  2. Click ‘Activity Tools’ and select ‘Copy Activity to Another Site(s)’
  3. Select the Activity that you wish to copy
  4. Check the box(es) for the Site(s) to which the activity should be copied
  5. Click ‘Copy Activity’
  6. A window will open, reminding you that not all information will be copies

  7. Click ‘OK’
  8. Once you are done copying Activities, go to each site (use the Change Credentials feature) and update the Activity/Session information as needed.
  9.  If you have more Activities to copy, click ‘Copy Another Activity

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