HIMSS - Create Custom Fields

HIMSS - Create Custom Fields

While HIMSS tracks considerable data about the people you serve, you can create additional data fields unique to your initiatives. The fields you create in this setting area will appear in the Custom Fields tab of individual people’s records and be available in search.

Create Custom Fields

  1.  To create custom fields, go to Settings > Registration Settings and locate the Custom Fields card.
  2. Click ‘Configure Custom’ Fields

  3. Click ‘+ Add Custom Field’ and the screen at right will appear

  4. Enter required information, including Field Type which defines the values of the possible entered values.
    If drop down or multi-select are selected, a Field Options section will appear at the bottom requiring you to define the values that must be chosen for that field.
  5. Complete all fields and click ‘Save and Close’ and the new custom field will appear in the list of Custom Field


  1.  Values for custom fields can be entered in an individual’s registration record on in Search > Quick Edit
  2. Custom field data can be found and exported on the Custom Field Detail Report, the Custom Field Summary Report, or through Search.

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