HIMSS - Approve a Student Record

HIMSS - Approve a Student Record

How to Approve a Pending Student Record in HIMSS

From the Registration main menu item, in the Homeless Student Review card, click the green Review Homeless Students. Note the red notification that says Student(s) pending approval – if this is not present, no new flagged students have been imported from the SIS. 

A filtered registration list of pending students (as indicated with a P in the Homeless Status Column) will appear.  

Click the blue pencil icon to open the student’s record.

Some information, such as Primary Nighttime Residence, may have been imported from your district SIS. 
Change the Homeless Approval Status to ‘Approved.’ Then, complete as much information as possible based on data you have available. 
Be sure to assign a social worker and one or more service contacts. Social worker and service contacts (for transportation, nutrition, etc.) are HIMSS users that can be set up as described in the User section above.
Service contacts are Users that you add to the system with the “Service Contact” security level. You record the service type when the User account is created. 
When the record is saved, emails will be triggered to notify the assigned social worker and other assigned service contacts for nutrition, transportation, etc. 


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