AfterSchool - Generating Reports

AfterSchool - Generating Reports

AfterSchool offers a wide variety of reports that can be generated to assist with day-to-day programming, monitoring of data entry, and funding source and evaluation purposes. Reports are the easiest way to get data out of the system. Hundreds of reports are available to provide program-specific information to funders, administrators, and evaluators.

Important notes about Reports

  1. On the main reports screen, a list of report categories will appear. Click a category to view the corresponding selection of reports.
  2. Refer to the Description documentation for information on the report you want to generate.
  3. For details on how a report’s data is generated, click the blue Report Explanation File link located below each reports's description.

Generate a Report

  1. In your left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Reports’

  2. Click a report category to view the corresponding selection of reports
  3. Click on the report you wish to generate
  4. Select any criteria to include/exclude on the report
  5. Click ‘View Report’ in the lower-right corner
  6. Click the green ‘Print’ button in the lower-left corner to print the report

Sample Reports

Attendance – By Person -->Daily Activity Attendance Report

  1. Use this report to see daily attendance information for a site’s participants, their attendance percentage for a specific date range, and average daily attendance information.

Attendance – Totals --> Attendance Summary

  1. Use this report for an overview of participation in site’s activities.

Participant Contact Information --> Field Trip Report

  1. Use this report to quickly obtain medical limitations and emergency contact information of participants.

CLC APR By Reporting Period --> APR Review Report

  1. Use this report to monitor sites to ensure accurate information is being entered.

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