AfterSchool - Add a Session

AfterSchool - Add a Session

Enter Activity Information

Once the activity has been created, you will need to establish at least one session of that activity. 

  1. Name the session. The session name will default to ‘New Session.’ Be sure to rename with a useful name to avoid confusion when viewing reports
  2. Complete all required fields
  3. Click ‘Save and Close’

Add Additional Sessions

  1. Add more sessions as needed. After adding the first session for an activity, you can add additional sessions to the activity
  2. From the Activities screen, find the Activity to which you need to add a session
  3. Click the ‘Actions’ button next to the Activity name
  4. Click ‘Add Session’
  5. Complete all fields
  6. Click ‘Save and Close’


  1. Be sure to select the appropriate funding source for each session. Only information with sessions funded by 21st CCLC will appear on the Annual Performance Report.
  2. If multiple similar sessions are being offered for an activity, it may be easier to Copy the session and edit the copy rather than setting up a whole new session from scratch.
  3. If the session is offered virtually (e.g., via a web session, a recording, or a take-home packet) indicate this by selecting ‘Yes, Virtual Programming’ from the “Is Virtual Programming” field.
  4. Virtual sessions that are marked as ‘Live’ will not show when entering virtual session headcounts. Live virtual session attendance should be recorded in the same manner as in-person sessions. 

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