After School - Build Rosters for Multiple Sessions at Once

After School - Build Rosters for Multiple Sessions at Once

Build a Roster for Multiple Sessions

  1. In your left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Rosters’
  2. Locate the ‘For Multiple Sessions’ card

  3. Click ‘Build Roster’

Select a Participant

  1. Select a participant using either, ‘By Name or Barcode’ or ‘From Registration List’

  2. Click ‘Select Sessions’ to advance to the next screen

Select Sessions

  1. Click on the sessions that you wish to select for the participant

  2. Click ‘Save Rosters’ to update the rosters for these sessions


  1. In many programs, participants can be enrolled in multiple activities and sessions at the same time.
  2. Ensure that all names are grey prior to leaving the roster screen. Any names highlighted in green will not be saved and names in red will not be deleted if you don’t click Save.


  1. ‘Build a Roster – For a Session’ and ‘Build a Roster – For Multiple Sessions’ both update the session rosters. ‘For a Session’ starts with the session and shows the participants associated with that session roster. ‘For Multiple Sessions’ starts with the participant and shows the session rosters associated with that person.

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