HIMSS - Add or Edit a User

HIMSS - Add or Edit a User

Any person that needs to access this system must have their own login and password. System administrators are responsible for ensuring that users have the correct access to the system.

Manage Users

  1. In your left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Settings’ > ‘Program Settings’
  2. Locate the ‘Users’ Card
  3. Click ‘Manage Users'

Add a User

  1. Click +Add New
  2. Enter the person’s username, email, and name. A warning will appear if the email is associated with a different user to avoid duplicate users. 
  3. Set the Status Information and Access information including appropriate system type, district (if applicable), site (if applicable), and security level for the user, based on their job function/ responsibility. NOTE - if the Service Contact security level is selected, an additional field requiring a description of the service this user provides will appear. This description assists when a student record is approved to know which area (e.g., transportation) a service contact user can help a student.  
  4. Click ‘Save and Next’
  5. The User record will save and offer the ability to add additional levels of Access with the ‘+ Grant Access’ button. This will be used, for example, if a user needs access to more than one site, but not ALL sites. An access record can be made for each site – the user will switch between sites in the Change Credentials area.
  6. When an additional access levels are created, click ‘Save and Close.'

Editing a User

User records can be edited to change security levels or site access or disable the account if a user no longer should have access to the system (e.g., they quit or are terminated). Locate the user you wish to edit using the Search bar at the top of the screen
  1. Click the ‘Actions’ button and select ‘Edit’
  2. Edit the user record as needed
  3. Click ‘Save and Close’ when finished


  1. Passwords can also be reset by an administrator – choose ‘Reset Password’ from the Actions button menu.
  2. Social Workers, School Staff and Service Contacts must have user account created BEFORE any student records are approved in order for emails to be sent to them to begin services.
  3. A user cannot be deleted if they have ever logged into the system. However, if they shouldn’t have access to the system, they can be disabled. Note the red highlighted rows in the image above have been disabled or expired.
  4. You can modify a user’s access to districts, school sites, and/or security levels (at your access level or below only) by clicking Grant Access in the user’s record and assigning additional values or by clicking the Remove Access button next to a specific access record.

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