AfterSchool - Add or Edit Program Partners

AfterSchool - Add or Edit Program Partners

A partner is a business or community agency other than the grantee actively contributing to the 21st CCLC-funded project. Information about partners is required on the APR.

Manage Partners

  1. In your left-hand navigation menu, click ‘Settings’ > ‘Program Settings’
  2. Locate the ‘Partners’ card

  3. Click ‘Manage Partners’

Add Partners

  1. Click ‘Add New’ at the top of the screen

  2. Enter the Partner’s information
  3. Click ‘Save and Close’


  1. Try to avoid creating duplicate entries. This can lead to confusion if different sites begin to enter multiple partners when, in fact, there should only be one.
  2. A partner would be added as a sub-contractor if you pay for at least a portion of the services, goods, etc. provided.


  1. Partners that are entered in the district’s partner list can later be selected by a site. The site has the option to enter additional information to detail the contributions made to their site in a specific term.

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